Manager Responsibilities

Interim Village Manager/Zoning Administrator

Dale Kerbyson
817 N. Main
Almont, MI 48003

The Village Manager serves at the pleasure of Village Council and acts as the chief administrative officer of the Village of Almont. The Village Manager administers and coordinates various functions of Village government as stated in the Village Charter as well as any ordinances and resolutions passed by Village Council. The Village Manager of Almont is responsible for the following duties:

Village Council Relations

Researches and prepares agenda items for Village Council meetings, ensures the accurate and objective representation of such items, and attends all meetings of the Village Council.

Community Relations

Works to connect with residents, businesses, and other interest groups in order to exchange information regarding their needs and Village practices and policies. It is the goal of the Village Manager to ensure that Village employees project a professional image and treat all members of the public with respect.

General Administration

Administers the day-to-day operations of the Village and ensures that Village practices and policies comply with state and federal laws that affect local governments.

Budget Administration

Works in conjunction with the Clerk/Treasurer in preparing the annual budget and oversees its administration throughout the fiscal year. The Manager is also responsible for regularly communicating the financial well-being of the Village to members of the Village Council.

Personnel / Labor Relations

Represents the Village during contract negotiations, provides regular feedback to staff members regarding their performance, and encourages Village employees to take ownership of and responsibility for their work.

Service Delivery

Assumes responsibility for evaluating the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Village services. The Manager is also responsible for ensuring these services contribute to the highest quality of life possible within the Village.

Ordinance Enforcement

The Village Manager oversees ordinance enforcement.  We have a part-time Ordinance Enforcement Officer who is responsible for responding to and handling ordinance violations/complaints.  A list of all of our ordinances are on-line.

If you would like to report a ordinance violation, please use the OEO Inspection Slip form.

FAQs about the Council-Manager Form of Government

Maybe use this module instead of the text editor of FAQ?  What do you think?

The council-manager form of government is a system of local government that combines the strong political leadership of elected officials in the form of a council or other governing body, with the strong managerial experience of an appointed local government manager. The form establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected council and where the council hires a manager to oversee the delivery of public services.