Park & Recreation Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Village Hall at 7:00 pm. The July and August meetings are held at the Park on the 4th Thursday at 6:30 pm.
Parks & Rec Documents
Park Rental
The park can be rented from May 1st through September 30th every year for residents and non-residents. We start taking reservations beginning February 14th (or the following business day). To reserve the park, you must fill out the Almont Community Park Rental Application form, and pay the rental and deposit fees to the Village of Almont. The application does not guarantee the exclusive use of the Park. No alcoholic beverages will be served or permitted within the park boundaries.
Rental Fees are as follows:
Almont Resident $50.00 rental fee plus $50.00 deposit
Non-Resident $150.00 rental fee plus $50.00 deposit.
If you are an organization and wish to have either the rental fee or cleaning deposit fee waived in lieu of community service, please fill out our Park Waiver Agreement and return it to Roberta Kudsin at

Deposits will be refunded after return of keys and a satisfactory inspection of facilities.
You must pick up the keys for the pavilion Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. the Village and Township Offices are closed on Fridays. The keys must be returned to the Village Office within 4 days. You may return the keys in person or put the keys in an envelope marked with your name and put in the Village Dropbox.
If key is not picked up by Thursday before 4:30 pm you will not have access to the facilities and rental fee will be forfeited.