CWSRF Notice of Public Hearing & Special Meeting
Wednesday, April 26 @ 7:00 pm
Municipal Building
817 N. Main Street, Almont, MI 48003
The Village of Almont will hold a public hearing and special meeting on the proposed Clean Water project plan for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons.
The hearing and meeting will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, at the Village of Almont offices located at 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.
The purpose of the proposed project is to eliminate any public health risks due to sewer infrastructure that continues to fail.
Project construction will involve improvements to the wastewater collection and treatment system as identified in the Village CIP. Â Improvements include rebuilding influent pumps, replace the tertiary system, SCADA upgrades, replacement of UV controls, force main replacement, pump station upgrades, sewer and manhole lining and associated work.
Impacts of the proposed project will be repairing of the sewer system and lift stations to eliminate the public health risk possibilities. Short term construction related impacts include increased noise and dust that is temporary in nature during construction of the improvements.
The estimated cost to the users for the proposed project will be dependent upon final Project Scope, Project Costs, and financing.
Copies of the plan detailing the proposed project are available for inspection at the Village of Almont offices located at 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.
Written comments received before the meeting record is closed on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 will be included in the final project planning document. Written comments should be sent to the Village of Almont. Village of Almont mailing address is 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.